Voice-Overs for Video Games

Power Up Your Heroes, Minibosses, and NPCs with Professional Video Game Voice Actors in Any Language

Today's most immersive gameplay experiences include voice acting. Whether you're developing a AAA, indie, or even mobile title, casting the right performers for your characters can make the difference between a good game and a great one. With BLEND, you get access to more than 1,000 versatile voice actors in 120 languages, ensuring that your title captures the imagination of gamers all over the world.
Contact Us
Attractive African American Young Woman Singing Into Microphone in Studio

Why Is BLEND the Best Choice for Video Game Voice-Overs?

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Focused on character and quality

Drama, humor, action, tragedy, triumph... these are the things that bring gamers into your community. BLEND works with you to cast the right game voice actors for your characters and budget, emphasizing a creative, collaborative casting process.
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Attuned to your timeline

Video games have aggressive development deadlines. Perfect. Our company is production focused and ready to meet your recording, editing, and delivery schedule. We'll chart a course at the onset of the project and will be an asset to the process, not a distraction.
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Helping you grow your player base

The gaming industry is expected to top $256 billion by 2025. That wouldn't be possible without aggressive growth in new markets. Speaking of which, we can help you combine your localization and voice recording efforts to give international audiences a seamless gameplay experience.

Get in the Game with Professional Video Game Voice Over

Listen to some gaming voice samples, and then explore our complete voice catalog.
English (US)
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English (US)
[player id=30837]
French (EU)
[player id=30838]
English (US)
[player id='61299']

How COVID-19 Changed the Game

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With movie theaters and other live entertainment removed from the table during the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people picked up their controllers to rediscover the in-home joys of gaming. Global chip shortages not only affected auto manufacturing, but also the availability of consoles like the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5. The result was a sort of video game frenzy. Gaming was hot, not only with hardcore gamers, but with casual players the world over, collectors, scalpers, and the media. At BLEND, we didn't have to jump on the bandwagon because we were already on it, helping developers localize their games, record character-focused voices, and position their titles for greater success in every target market. We've been known to play a bit ourselves, too.
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gamer work space concept, top view a gaming gear, mouse, keyboar

Voice-overs for any video game project

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Whether your title includes 100 hours of gameplay or provides a 15-minute burst of arcade-style action, BLEND can enhance the experience with professionally-recorded voices that fit your design, budget, and timeline.

AAA titles

Indie games

Mobile games

Mobile apps

Gamified apps and websites

Online gaming

Multiplayer gaming

Get in Touch

Looking to natively embed your presence in new world markets? Speak with a representative today to discuss the perfect BLEND of localization services.