Make existing content go farther. Content translation services, audio, or video into over 120 languages or use transcreation to make sure your messages come across along with your words. Find creative ways to speak directly to multiple markets in a consistent brand voice without creating content from scratch every time.

Content Localization Services
BLEND in to stand out by creating content that answers the questions your local audiences are asking, in their own language.
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Translating words, conveying concepts
Rethink your website, blog, and social media accounts to resonate with locals so that you can increase visibility and brand loyalty in every international market. Whether you’re creating specialized content or adapting what you already have, strong content localization makes sure your global customers know you care.
Expert localization helps you become the place your audience turns to for information, which gives you a major competitive advantage.
Expert localization helps you become the place your audience turns to for information, which gives you a major competitive advantage.
BLEND Content Localization Solutions:
Translation & Transcreation
Content Creation
Customers in different markets have different questions and you can answer them all. Instead of overwhelming your global audience with irrelevant content, create fresh material that speaks directly to their needs in their own language. Expert content writers can help you find the topics that resonate and create blog posts, emails, landing pages, and more, designed to turn local audiences into loyal customers.
Quickly and easily transcribe meetings, interviews, podcasts, and other audio material so that it's accessible to your audiences around the world. Take sound bites in any language and accurately transform them into text that can be shared, reformatted, and repurposed as you weave your brand into new markets.
Professional simultaneous translation opens up doors for international dialogue and collaboration. Remote interpretation means that business meetings, seminars, press conferences, and other events are available to the people you want to reach in the language, and even the dialect, that makes them most comfortable.
Why Localize Your Content with BLEND?
BLEND’s international team of content translation services has the industry and cultural expertise to take your content natively local. Our diverse localization tools and services work together to make sure that your content informs, sells, and connects at optimal levels, no matter where in the world you go.
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A BLEND of Benefits
Embedded technology
With an unrivaled localization technology platform, BLEND sits at the forefront of industry innovation. Using API driven workflows and custom integrations, we seamlessly connect our global team with client workflows, creating a truly native localization service experience.
Industry expertise
Whatever your company subject matter expertise is, we’ll match you to the perfect talent. Our multi-market team of global BLENDers possess a wide array of academic certifications and operational experience, helping companies weave an educated, native dialogue in over 120 languages.
Legacy of success
We’re veterans to the ins and outs of the industry. Toting over 12 years of established experience, connections, and challenges solved for - we’re transferring our legacy of success from OneHourTranslation into the best of BLEND.
Unmatched scalability
With the perfect BLEND of NMT technology, and an expansive global team, we’re readily positioned to help you scale. Whether entering new key markets or expanding to form a truly global presence worldwide, we’ll fuel your growth, every step of the way.